70 Second Solfege!
70 Second Solfege is a FUN and engaging approach to sight-singing. NO subscriptions, NO additional materials required, and NO need for lengthy teacher explanations. This allows choir directors to make their way throughout the classroom, while students study each solfege example, not having to worry about giving starting notes or stay in the front of the room.
This CLASSROOM SET of 70 Second Solfege comes with recording rights so students or teachers can use the individual videos to record their performances for practice or even as part of class assignments. Each sight-singing example has its own, separate video, so teachers can individually post, email, or share with students. This Classroom Set also comes with a reproducible sight-singing rubric PDF that students can fill out after each example or assignment! Additionally, this purchase comes with a reproducible PDF of all 30 sight-singing examples and guided videos for all 30 sight-singing examples; totaling nearly 2 hours of video content!
$175.00 USD